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The ways of the 
Wagon Witch

Witch Way

I am a life-long follower and practitioner of the Old Ways, with a love of folklore and the mystical arts.

I have lived close to Nature for many years,  learning to watch and listen to the lessons she teaches, from the land and from the many creatures that share this space.  The Wagon-by-the-Woods is situated in central England, within a beautiful rural landscape.


By trade I am an artist, craftswoman and musician.  I have been fortunate to have manifest my dream of living a simple yet rewarding life - ever learning, ever seeking.  My spiritual beliefs are eclectic, mostly Pagan in nature.  My roots are Celtic Irish and Scottish, but I do not follow a specific path. I chose to walk my own track.


My hope for this site is to share knowledge and experiences, my art and crafts.  Encourage a love and awareness of Nature and her gifts.  Connect with like-minded folk and discuss our ways.


So I welcome you to join me in this virtual wagon, share a brew by the warm fire and discuss the Old Ways for a while.


Many Blessings to You.



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